High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
21. Passengers on this flight will have their choice of beef, chicken, or a vegetarian meal for lunch.
(1) Beef, chicken, and a vegetarian meal will be made available at lunch for all persons aboard this flight. (2) After a lunch of beef, chicken, or a vegetarian meal, passengers will board the plane for their flight. (3) One of the following may be eaten at lunch by persons taking this flight: beef, chicken, or a vegetarian meal. (4) Passengers may select a flight which will provide beef at lunch, one which will serve chicken, or one which will have a vegetarian meal available.
הנוסעים בטיסה זו יוכלו לבחור בין בשר, עוף או ארוחה צמחונית לצהריים.
22. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are both organisms composed of cells, but the former, unlike the latter, have no cell nuclei.
(1) Organisms which are composed of cells, but have no cell nuclei, are known as eukaryotes or prokaryotes. (2) An organism composed of cells but having no cell nuclei is known as a eukaryote, while one which does have cell nuclei is called a prokaryote. (3) Organisms known as prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have cells without cell nuclei, but also differ in many ways. (4) Eukaryotes have cell nuclei, while prokaryotes do not, but both organisms are composed of cells.
פרוקריוטים ויוקריוטים הם אורגניזמים המורכבים מתאים, אך לראשונים, להבדיל מלשניים, אין גרעיני תא.
23. For the fifth consecutive year, floods have damaged large areas of the Midwest.
(1) It has been five years since large portions of the Midwest were damaged by floods. (2) About every five years, floods cause major damage in the Midwest. (3) Large sections of the Midwest have been damaged by floods for five years in a row. (4) Although the floods took place five years ago, large areas of the Midwest still show signs of damage.
מזה השנה החמישית ברציפות, שטפונות פגעו בחלקים נרחבים במערב התיכון.
מרתון ספר
High Q Global
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