High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
9. Those who have been married for at least two years should join the first group, while everyone else should be in the second group.
(1) The first group is for those who have been married for more than two years, and the second group is for those who have not been married. (2) If you have been in the first group for two years, then you are married; if you’re in the second group, then you are not. (3) There are two groups : one for persons married at least two years, the other for those who have been married for less than two years. (4) Everyone should go to the second group except for persons who have been married for at least two years; those should go in the first group.
על האנשים הנשואים לפחות שנתיים להצטרף לקבוצה הראשונה, בעוד שהשאר צריכים להצטרף לקבוצה השניה.
10. Dangerous floods are expected in the American Midwest this spring, when the deep winter snows begin to melt.
(1) Not only has the American Midwest received a great deal of snow during the winter, but it is also likely to experience heavy floods in the spring. (2) It is characteristic of the American Midwest that the heavy snows which fall during the winter cause dangerous floods in the springtime when all of that snow begins to melt. (3) The American Midwest, which usually receives a lot of snow during the winter, is instead expected to experience only damaging floods later on, in the spring. (4) When spring arrives, the water from melting snows, which were heavy this year, is likely to cause hazardous flooding in the American Midwest.
קיימת ציפייה לשיטפונות מסוכנים במערב התיכון של אמריקה באביב זה, כששלגי החורף העמוקים יחלו להפשיר.
11. The amount of water in the reservoir is proportional not to the amount of rainfall each year, but to the annual snowfall.
(1) The amount of snow that falls annually, not the amount of rain, determines how much water is held in the reservoir. (2) A certain proportion of the water in the reservoir comes from the annual rainfall, while another percentage is due to the annual snowfall. (3) Neither the annual rainfall nor the annual snowfall have any effect on how much water is actually held in the reservoir. (4) The amount of annual rainfall correlates strongly with the amount of water in the reservoir, but the amount of snowfall does not.
לכמות השלגים השנתית.
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