High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
15. The quality shared by the huge symphonies of Beethoven and the piano miniatures of Chopin is the extraordinary directness of their emotional expressiveness.
(1) The extraordinary piano miniatures by Chopin and the huge symphonies of Beethoven share many direct emotional qualities, such as expressiveness. (2) Beethoven’s huge symphonies and Chopin’s piano miniatures both express emotion with extraordinary directness. (3) The huge symphonies and piano miniatures of Chopin and Beethoven share their emotional and expressive qualities with unusual directness. (4) Both the huge symphonies of Beethoven and the piano miniatures of Chopin express a particular emotional quality, which is directness.
16. While Tynan’s letters to the women in his life reveal his gentler side, they also show him to have been deceptive.
(1) Tynan’s gentleness and deceptiveness are both apparent in the letters he wrote to the women in his life. (2) Tynan portrayed himself as gentle to the women in his life in the letters he wrote them, but they also knew him to be deceptive. (3) Tynan wrote deceptively gentle letters to the women in his life. (4) Although Tynan could be deceptive, his letters to the women in his life show that he could also be gentle.
17. That which motivates a great scientist is not the desire for fame, but for knowledge.
(1) The motivations behind great scientists are their longings for knowledge as well as fame. (2) A great scientist is driven by his hunger for knowledge, not fame. (3) Even the great scientists who never become famous still want to gain knowledge. (4) A great scientist has his own motivations, which do not include the desire for fame or knowledge.
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