ארוחת הערב השנתית | GALA DINNER 2023
The Jaffa Institute continues to mourn the passing of a dear friend and patron.
Mr. HarveyKaYlIE of blessedmemory
ב ר כ ו ת G r e e t i n g s
Harvey was extraordinary in his commitment to help others in need and his true love for his people, his faith, and his family. His belief in the mission of the Jaffa Institute moved him to acts of kindness and solidarity that made an enormous difference in the lives of so many. We were enriched and inspired by Harvey’s personality and dedication. His passing is a loss to so many who loved and admired him. We are honored to benefit from the continued support of his wife, children, and grandchildren.
Mr. Chaim Hurvitz Chairman
Dr. David J. Portowicz Founder
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