ארוחת הערב השנתית | GALA DINNER 2023
Edward Cohen
The Institutehasbeenclose tomyheart fromthefirsttime that Imet the remarkableman, DavidPortowicz, about 30 years ago. David invitedme to visit the school in Beit Shemesh and I saw his passion for what he was doing, and his relationship with each student. I recognized immediately that his project, the Jaffa Institute, was worth supporting. Keren Simcha LeTzdaka, the Cohen family foundation, decided to make a substantial donation for the building of a synagogue to be named after our dear father, Sasson Cohen. Eventually, we participated in several other projects at the school, some of which were named after our dear mother, Marcelle Cohen. I was on the board of the Institute from its founding until 2020, on reaching the age of 80, and we have participated in all 15 Gala dinners. We thank HaShem, for the privilege of being able to support the Institute and to be partners in their holy work. Chezky, David's son, is doing a wonderful job as CEO, and the advances made by the Institute are nothing short of amazing. We look forward to an even greater future, with continued and blessed help to the weaker strata of Israeli society.
ח ס ו ת כ ס ף
- Edward Cohen -
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