אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy

Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Admasu Danny Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Blackness in Israel: Ethiopian Jews and the Concept of the Black in Historiography, History and Modern Zionist Culture, 1855-2019 Supervisor: Prof. Razinsky Liran Dr. Aflalo Tammuz Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Cracks in Home Nesting Supervisors: Prof. Govrin Aner Prof. Ataria Yochai, Tel-Hai College Dr. Amir Nofit Conflict Management and Negotiation Uncovering Emerging Paradigms of Legal Systems through a Comparative Perspective, Focusing on the Judicial Role in the Age of Settlement Supervisor: Prof. Alberstein Michal Dr. Amsili Oren Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Symbolization and Desymbolization in the Tales of Rabbi Nachman of Braslov: Constructive Desymbolization as Facilitator

Dr. Dror Yonat Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Aspects of the Holocaust Discourse in Israel in the 21st Century: Individual, Collective and Cosmopolitan Memory Supervisor: Prof. Razinsky Liran Dr. Duek Revital Gender Studies Boys will be Boys, Girls will be Girls? How Peer Group, Gender and Center-Periphery Factors Shape Israeli Dr. Froman Yehuda Gender Studies Sexual Violence in Jewish Law - From What Exists to What May Be Supervisor: Prof. Irshai Ronit Dr. Lieber Lee Hermeneutics and Culture Studies and the department of Comparative Literature Marital Infidelity in Psychoanalysis and in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature Supervisor: Prof. Lapidus Rina Dr. Mishani-Uval Yael Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Meaning in Life Through Language: A Linguistic-Philosophical Investigation of Language Mechanisms in Constituing Subjective Meaning in Life in Ordinary Language Supervisor: Dr. Lamberg Dorit Adolescents' Science Capital Supervisors: Prof. Kark Ronit Dr. Chachashvili-Bolotin Svetlana, Ruppin Academic Center

of Mental Transformation Supervisors: Prof. Mark Tzvi

Prof. Spero Moshe

Dr. Berlin Yair Hermeneutics and Culture Studies The Emotional Climate and Textuality in the Ultra-Orthodox "Society of Learners" Supervisor: Prof. Shoham Hizky


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