אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy

Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Nave Amos Hermeneutics and Culture Studies The Right to Privacy as a Cultural Phenomenon – Reviewing the Historical Change in Legal Privacy Discourse from a Cultural Perspective Supervisors: Prof. Lorberbaum Yair Dr. Yinon Dror Dr. Nissim Shimon Hermeneutics and Culture Studies Hypnosis: The "Magic" of the Word Supervisor: Dr. Lamberg Dorit Dr. Ravitz Assaf Hermeneutics and Culture Studies The Relational Self: Building a Developmental Model Based on the Writings of Stephen A. Mitchell Supervisor: Prof. Govrin Aner Dr. Reani Smadar Hermeneutics and Culture Studies The Resistance of the Personal and Public Stigma against People with Mental Disabilities via the ’Stranger’ Paradigm and Subjective Internal and Inter Estrangement Relations Supervisor: Prof. Dekel Rachel Dr. Rose Maya Gender Studies Sexually Abused Teenage Boys –

Dr. Sapir Ran Hermeneutics and Culture Studies To Be or Not to Be?

Therapeutic Discourse and the Question of Suicide in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Supervisors: Prof. Zohar Noam Dr. Yinon Dror Dr. Schmidt Yonatan Hermeneutics and Culture Studies ‘For my Questions are Actually Answers’ Psychoanalytic Interpretation to ‘Sefer Ha-Yashar’ of Rabennu Tam Supervisors: Prof. Peri Tuvia Dr. Peri Micha, University of Haifa Dr. Shabtai Yael Gender Studies 'The Law of The Mother' – Maternal Subjectivity Beyond Oedipal Logic Supervisors: Dr. Rozmarin Miri Dr. Shalom Zedak Yael Hermeneutics and Culture Studies "Words are the Whole Story" The Relationship between Language and Internal Processes in the Mental Space A Psychoanalytic – Literary – Linguistic Study Supervisor: Dr. Lamberg Dorit Dr. Sorotzki Hagai Hermeneutics and Culture Studies The Desire for (Non)Being in Psychoanalysis Supervisors: Dr. Lamberg Dorit Dr. Dekel Tal, Kibbutzim College

The Men they Grew Up to Be Supervisor: Prof. Dekel Rachel


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