EL AL | Atmosphere

In-flight Entertainment

The entertainment system at the back of your seat Welcome to EL AL

+200 +200 +300 movies hours of TV series & shows music albums, channels & podcasts +70 +60 hours of children's content hours of Jewish content

There are touchscreens at the back of each seat on our Boeing 787 aircraft and Boeing 777 upgraded aircraft for maximum comfort and easy access to our content-rich entertainment system

Shortcut to the content you liked Once you’ve gained access to our entertainment system, you’ll see different images alternating on the screen. They each represent an item from our content selection. Something caught your eye? Touch the image on the screen and the content you chose will open.

Parental control To limit your children's viewing, enter the system settings > parental control > select the desired viewing classification. Desired viewing classification:

Pick a movie To navigate our TV show and movie selection, use our genre sidebar by tapping the arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Content suitable for all ages Parental supervision recommended Parental supervision recommended for children under age 13 Recommended for adults over the age of 17




SimpliFly beating the fear of flying

The full "Fly without Fear" course by EL AL captain Alon Pereg is available on the 787 aircraft fleet entertainment system. To Watch go to: Television > Simplify To Listen go to: Listen > Audiobooks > Simplify

Exclusively on EL AL



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