EL AL | Atmosphere
Editor's Pick
Once you’ve sent out your last personal and business messages and taken the umpteenth airplane selfie, it’s finally time for some serious YouTube surfing: here are three of our top picks for maximum entertainment
Comedians who distill snippets from their standup shows onto the Internet usually do it for promotional purposes, and rightly so, as it can hugely rack up views when artfully done. Here are three very funny recommendations:
Shahar Hason
Daniel Cohen
Maccabit and Hananel
Israeli comedian Shahar Hason definitely knows what works online – the bits he posts, usually ones that showcase his genius ability to go back-and-forth with hecklers, are hilariously funny. Sure, the occasional profanity may be thrown around here and there, but Hason is one of those comedians who know where the line is and know when and when not to cross it, which explains how he became one of Israel’s most beloved standup performers.
Our comedy section also includes clips by comedian Daniel Cohen, who portrays the funniest dad character in standup form I know. Anyone who has kids will immediately recognize the situations he describes, and even though they weren’t the funniest to live through, when Daniel describes them, it’s laugh-out-loud funny.
The online comedy show “Maccabit and Hananel”, starring Oshrit Sarusi and Hen Rotman, follows the daily goings-on of a divorced religious couple that maintain a relationship based on endless pointless rows. The show, initially supposed to remain a short-lived bit of fun, ended up becoming a huge success, even going on to have guest appearances by such performers as Orna Banai and Tal Friedman, achieving cult status with hundreds of thousands of views online.
Scan the QR code to check out Hason’s clips in our comedy section
Scan the QR code to access Daniel Cohen’s clips
Scan the QR code to start watching Maccabit and Hananel
Tell us about your favorite YouTube videos by sending us the link with a few words on why you love it so much and we'll publish your recommendation here in the next issue.
Wishing you a pleasant flight, Tal Kalderon Head Of Inflight Entertainment & Connectivity Customer & Service Division talkal@elal.co.il
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