אל על | אטמוספירה

Check-in I Local Events I November 2024 I Nava Marton

What’s On Our Radar This Month

Exhibition | “06:29 – from darkness to light”

The Museum of Tolerance, Jerusalem An interactive exhibition that looks back on the events of October 7, curated by Malchi Shem Tov, father of Omer Shem Tov who was kidnapped by Hamas and is still held captive in Gaza. At the heart of the exhibition are testimonies from brave women from different corners of Israeli society, sharing their personal experiences from October 7, a day which began at 06:29am and hasn’t ended since. In the first exhibition space, 20 life-size LED screens are placed against a dark, somber background. Another space is dedicated to the harrowing images captured by the lens of photojournalist Ziv Koren, and yet another, is a space dedicated to coming out of the darkness and into the light of hope. Here, thousands of illuminated paper notes hang on the walls, each note containing the words left by people who saw and experienced the exhibition. All the texts included in the exhibition are displayed in Hebrew, English, and Arabic. Throughout November, motj.org.il

Photo: Tal Shahar

Exhibition | Work off Art – Not your ordinary day at the office Tel Aviv A new pop-up art exhibition by curator Yaara Sachs opens this month in Tel Aviv. The show explores the concept of the traditional office and workspace on the premises of a former factory in the heart of the city. 27 offices and industrial spaces, and 18 walls have been turned into spectacular works of art, courtesy of 43 artists and creators. The whole space - walls, furniture, floors - serves as a blank canvas for the artists. Among the works are giant frescoes, cars transformed into artwork, a giant kinetic keyboard hovering above ground, taking over people’s personal space, a room in which visitors are swept into the sand of a VR hourglass, and much more. The “Work Off Art” exhibition is held in the former Tara factory in Tel Aviv’s Yigal Alon street. Throughout November, work-off-art.com

Artwork by Monkey RMG



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