The primary responsibility of the Office of the Vice President for Global Engagement at BGU, under the leadership of Prof. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, is to cultivate and enhance academic partnerships with universities worldwide. This role involves strategizing and executing initiatives to facilitate collaborations, exchange programs, and joint research endeavors aimed at fostering a diverse and inclusive academic environment. international students to study at BGU and to provide opportunities for BGU students to engage in enriching educational experiences abroad. Moreover, a crucial aspect of this position involves charting, alongside President Chamovitz, the international trajectory of excellence for BGU, aligning its global engagement efforts with the University's overarching mission and values, while positioning BGU as a leader in higher education on the global stage. Consequently, we have forged new academic connections with prestigious institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, Arizona State, University of Washington, MIT, Brandeis, Columbia, Oxford, and Edinburgh. We also place a strong emphasis on fostering international relations and collaborations with key embassies in Israel, with the aim of creating a dynamic bridge for academic and cultural exchanges. In the past year we have hosted academic delegations, student and youth groups, ambassadors, diplomats, government ministers, and more. These collaborations also aim to enrich the academic Additionally, the Vice President oversees the development of programs designed to attract

experience of our students by providing opportunities for cross-cultural learning, diverse perspectives, and exposure to cutting-edge research. Two new initiatives at BGU International demonstrate our aims: In collaboration with Prof. Yael Hashiloni Dolev, the President's Adviser for Gender Equity, we have established two significant grants aimed at empowering women in academia. The first grant is designed to support female MA students, offering them the opportunity to attend conferences, thereby exposing them to the broader academic community and enhancing their professional networks. This initiative not only fosters their academic growth but also contributes significantly to their professional development. The second grant focuses on female postdoctoral researchers in the humanities and social sciences, providing them with the necessary financial support to further their research and academic careers. This concerted effort underscores BGU's commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for women to thrive in their academic pursuits. The Sandwich PhD grant is designed to attract exceptional doctoral students from top universities across Europe and North America for a one-year period at BGU during their doctoral studies. This innovative program aims to enhance BGU's visibility and reputation in the international academic community, showcasing the University's research capabilities, facilities, and vibrant academic environment. By offering these students an opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research at BGU,


President's Report 2024

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