BGU & YOU | Spring 2024



MAY 2023: New French Organization and President BGU announced the the establishment of BGU France and the appointment of Danièle Bidermann as President of BGU France at the 53rd Board of Governors meeting in May 2023. L-R: Sandrine Ohana Adda, former BGU Director of Development for Western Europe, Maggy Camp and Danièle Bidermann at the Sde Boker Campus



MAY 2023 Gérard Worms Prize Ceremony Anne Lise Worms attended the presentation of the Gérard Worms Prize at the 53rd Board of Governors meeting. The award supports PhD students in research focusing on agriculture in arid lands or solar energy. The 2023 recipients of the prize are Paul Vandôme from L’Institut Agro Montpellier - CIRAD and Klil Noythe from BGU.


JUN 2023: Israel’s 75th Independence Day celebrations in London L-R: Or Alon and Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, with Liv Sperber, BGU Director of Global Development, English Speakers, and Geoffrey Berger of BGUF. Photo: Hannah Allen

L-R: Marie Hélène Bérard, Frédéric Worms, Prof. Noam Weisbrod, Director of the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Klil Noythe, Paul Vandôme. Photo: BGU staff

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