BGU & YOU | Spring 2024



APR 2023: Interim President for BGU Canada Mitchell Oelbaum graciously agreed to return and serve as Interim National President of BGU Canada. L-R: Naomi and Mitchell Oelbaum with BGU Rector Prof. Chaim Hames at the 2022 BOG Meeting


APR 2023 Yom Hazikaron/Yom Ha’atzmaut in London Prof. Oren Shriki of BGU’s Dept. of Cognitive and Brain Sciences delivered a captivating presentation titled “Mind Over Matter: A Swift Introduction to Neurotechnology and its Applications” at a poignant Yom Hazikaron ceremony at South Hampstead Synagogue in London, followed by a lively Yom Ha’atzmaut party.



MAY 2023: Meeting in Johannesburg L-R: Eli Belotserkovsky, Israel’s Ambassador to South Africa, Tilson Manyoni, SA government official, Marc Lubner, President of the South African Associates of BGU, and Liv Sperber, BGU’s Director of Global Development, English Speakers, met to discuss potential academic cooperation in Johannesburg. Photo: Jonathan Shapiro

Prof. Oren Shriki presenting at South Hampstead Synagogue. Photo: Hannah Allen

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