• A lead gift from Dr. Nahum Guzik of Mountain View, CA will enable the construction of the state-of-the-art Guzik Cultural Center on BGU’s new North Campus.

which Mirilashvili serves as president of the board. The Center will focus on new ways to conserve, treat, and recycle water, as well as on new means of delivering water supplies sustainably. • The Gabriel Tamman family provided a generous donation for the renewal and renaming of one of the University’s gates, now called the Gabriel and Angel Tamman Gate. They also established the Gabriel and Angel Tamman Career Development Chair in Management. • Alex Goren, z”l, a fifty-year member of Americans for Ben-Gurion University, left a significant bequest to BGU in his will. Mr. Goren, who lived in New York, served as chairman of BGU’s Board of Governors and president of A4BGU (at the time AABGU), and was the recipient of a BGU honorary doctorate in 2015. Recognized as a member of BGU’s esteemed President’s Pillars society, Alex was committed to building “an Oxford in the Negev,” as envisioned by David Ben Gurion.

• A transformative donation by the Azrieli Foundation was made to the newly named Azrieli National Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research.

• The Azrieli Foundation renewed and increased their generous support of the Azrieli Center for Israel Studies (“MALI 2.0”) by 40 percent.

• A significant gift from Michael Mirilashvili established the Moshe Mirilashvili Center for Food Security in the Desert, a partnership of BGU, the Israeli agricultural-technology company Vertical Field, and the water from-air technology company Watergen, for

* Every effort has been made to ensure that the information here is accurate and comprehensive, and reflects the wishes of individual donors.


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