שוטי | מומי אביטל

פיילוטים ומדריכי טיולים

Ionian, Rod and Lucinda Heikell, Imary

Italian Waters Pilot, Rod Heikell, Imary

Corsica and North Sardinia, John Marchment, Imary

Islas Baleares, Graham Hutt, RCC Pilotage Foundation, Imary

Atlantic Islands, RCC Pilotage Foundation, Imary

Sailors Guide to the Windward Islands, Chris Doyle

Grenada to the Virgin Islands Pilot, Jacques Patuelli, Imary

The Panama Cruising Guide, Eric Bauhaus

The Pacific Crossing Guide, Ros Hogbin, RCC Pilotage Foundation

South Pacific Anchorages, Warwick Clay, Imary

Charlie's Charts Of Polynesia, Charles E Wood and Margo Wood

Guide to the Kingdom of Tonga (Vavau), Charles Paul

Cruising the New South Wales Coast , Alan Lucas

Cruising the Coral Coast , Alan Lucas

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Rod Heikell, Imary

East Africa Pilot, Delwyn McPhun, Imary

South African Nautical Almanac, Royal Cape Yacht Club

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