TDK Lambda Magazine | January 2022


Race to the Billion: The Fast Growth of the Market for Programmable Power Supply

The global market for programmable power supply is expected to reach $1.1 billion by the end of 2026, comparing to $760 million in 2019 - according to analysts*. According to the industry research, TDK-Lambda is a key player in the programmable power supply market. These advanced products mainly serve the following applications: semiconductor manufacturing, automobile power testing, industrial production, solar energy and medical device. TDK-Lambda offers programmablepower supplies from200Wto 15kWwithparallel capability of up to 60kW. The range include GENESYS+™, Genesys™, the Z+ Series and the ZUP Series. The newGENESYS+™series, developed andmanufactured by TDK-Lambda Israel, has gained a global reputation. The demand for GENESYS+™ in the past 2 years has brought to the need of a fast expansion of the Israeli TDK-Lambda facility in Karmiel.

* The Research firm Industry Research



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