TDK Lambda | Z+High Voltage User Manual

4.6.2 Exiting the Communication Menu There are three ways to exit from REM menu:

1. Press REM button twice. REM LED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply. 2. Press and hold REMbutton 3 sec. REMLED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply. 3. No action for 15 sec. REM LED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply.

4.7 Navigating the Protection Menu 4.7.1 Introduction The Protection Menu consists of two levels: Function and Parameter.

To navigate the Protection Menu press PROT button. The PROT GREEN LED illuminates. The function menu item appears on the display. Navigate by rotating the Voltage encoder to scroll the function level. To select the desired function, press the Encoder button next to the display. Toggle the Voltage encoder to select either UVL or UVP functions. In the Parameter level, the Voltage display shows the function and the Current display shows the parameter. Scroll the parameter list by rotating the Current encoder. Selection of a numerical parameter is automatic and the Encoder cannot bepressed. Press only to select Foldbackparameter. When parameter is accepted the display blinks once and exits to the previous level.

Fig.4-7: Protection Menu Navigation

4.7.2 Exiting the Protection Menu There are three ways exit the menu:

1. Press PROT button twice. PROT LED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply. 2. Press and hold PROT button 3 sec. PROT LED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply. 3. No action for 15 sec. PROT LED turns OFF. Display shows present status of power supply.


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