TDK Lambda | Z+High Voltage User Manual

3.8.7 Foldback Check

WARNING: There is a potential shock hazard when checking a power supply with output voltage greater than 60VDC. Observe proper safety procedures during the checking.

Refer toSection5.3.4 for explanationof the FOLD functionprior toperforming theprocedurebelow.

1. Ensure that the output voltage is set to approx. 10% of the unit rating. 2. Adjust the Current encoder to set the current limit to approx. 10% of the unit rating. 3. Set Foldback to CC MODE. 4. Short the output terminals momentarily (approx. 0.5 sec.). Ensure that the output voltage falls to zero, the Voltage display shows ” FOLd ”, Current display shows ” FA IL ” and the PROT red LED blinks. 5. Set Foldback to OFF. The output voltage remains zero. 6. Press OUTPUT button. Ensure that the output voltage returns to it’s last setting. 7. Turn the output off by pressing OUTPUT button. Ensure that the Voltage display shows ” OFF ”. 3.9 Connecting the Load Turn off the AC input power before making or changing any rear panel connection. Ensure that all connections are securely tightened before applying power. There is a potential shock hazard when using a power supply with a rated output greater than 60VDC. WARNING: There is a potential shock hazard when using a power supply with a rated output voltage greater than 60VDC. Turn off the AC input power before making or changing any rear panel connection. Ensure that the protection of output plug is mounted and properly assembled for power supplies when output voltage exceed 60VDC. Ensure that all connections are securely tightened before applying power. 3.9.1 LoadWiring The following considerations should be made to select wiring for connecting the load to the power supply: • Current carrying capacity of the wire (refer to 3.9.2) • Insulation rating of the wire should be at least equivalent to the maximum output voltage of the power supply. • Maximum wire length and voltage drop (refer to 3.9.2) • Noise and impedance effects of the load wiring (refer to 3.9.4).


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