TDK Lambda | Z+High Voltage User Manual
9.6 Standard Event Status Group 9.6.1 Register Functions
This group consists of an Event register and an Enable register that are programmed by COMMON commands. The Standard Event register latches events relating to interface communication status. It is a read-only register that is cleared when read. The Standard Event Enable register functions similarly to the Enable registers of the Operation and Questionable status groups. 9.6.2 Register Commands The common *ESE command programs specific bits in the Standard Event Status Enable register. Because the power supply implements *PSC, the register is cleared at power on if *PSC = 1.
*ESR? reads the Standard Event Status Event register. Reading the register clears it.
0 2 3 4 6 7
Operation complete
Query error
Device-dependent error
Command error
Power on
Table 9-3: Standard Event Status Group
Operation Complete Setwhenever the last command is completedand the software is ready toaccept another command, or when query results are available. Query Error Set when a query is made for which no response is available. Device Dependent Error Set for device specific errors. These errors are entered in the System Error Queue and have error codes greater than 0. See Table 9-6 for error descriptions. Execution Error Set when a parameter exceeds its allowed range. Command Error Set for a syntax error. Power On Set once at power-up. The Status Byte ESR bit is not set.
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