TDK Lambda Magazine | May 2021

fall, if occurs, will have as minor an impact as possible on the application that the product serves - for example a factory production system. The test consists of two main parts: practical tests of power components and theoretical tests for failure scenarios in the smaller components. The Time Tunnel As part of a series of tests for thermal stress sensitivity (TST tests), we expose each component to cycles of extreme temperatures, either high or low. After testing the components, we also expose the entire power supply, as a whole, to these extreme conditions. Suppliers are electrically inspected - before and after exposure to thermal stress, in order to verify their functional integrity. In addition, mechanical tests are performed in order to verify the reliability of the components, the markings found on them and more. The most effective method for assessing the durability of a product over the years, under serious conditions, is to virtually simulate an acceleration in the life of the product. TDK Lambda engineers compute several activity cycles that the product must undergo during the testing (under severe temperature conditions) in order to verify its reliability over the years. Such a technique usually involves hundreds of consecutive activity cycles, equivalent to years of activity in the field. 8 Hot Months The final and decisive test that a product undergoes is its continuous operation for 8 months in a laboratory cabinet in which harsh environmental conditions of 50 degrees. During the running period in extreme conditions - and with maximum outlet power - periodic samples are taken and tested for the product. Among the parameters examined: the voltage, the current, and also its communication capabilities. At the end of the period, the supplier undergoes an even more comprehensive inspection - when it is already out of the cabinet - from the quality of its performance to its internal components condition.

The article is based on a webinar delivered by Karmi Simionovich, the R&D Manager of TDK-Lambda’s Power+Solutions Department. To watch the Webinar click the video in the next page


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