TDK Lambda | Z+Low Voltage User Manual

7.8.6 Global Output Commands General

GRST Reset. Brings the Power Supply to a safe and known state: Output voltage: 0V, output current: 0A, OUT: Off, Remote: RMT 1, AST: Off, OVP:Max, UVL:0V. The conditional register (FLT and STAT) are updated. Other registers are not changed. Non-Latching faults (FoldBack, OVP, SO, UVP) are cleared, OUT fault stays. Sets the output voltage value in volts. The range of voltage values is shown in Table 7-5. ‘n’may be up to 12 char plus dec. pt Program the output current value in amperes. The range of current values is shown in Tables 7-6, 7-7 and 7-8. ‘n’may be up to 12 char plus dec. pt Turns the output to ON or OFF: ”OUT 1/ON” = turn on ”OUT 0/OFF”= turn off, clears CV and CC bits in the Status Condition (STAT). OUT ON will respond with ”E07’ if the output cannot be turned on because of a latching fault (OTP, AC, ENA, SO) shutdown. GSAV n Saves present settings to specified loction in memory (n=1...4). Same settings as power-down last settings listed in table 5-7. GRCL n Recall saved settings from specified location in memory (n=1...4). Global commands can be received by all power supplies connected to the BUS, without individual address commands. All power supplies will execute the command immediately. There is no acknowledgment back to the PC when using global commands. A delay must be set of 20msec after each global command. Error messages are not reported back to the issuing PC. GPV n GPC n GOUT

Model Rated Output Voltage (V)

Minimum (V)

Maximum (V)

10 20 36 60

00.0000 00.0000 00.0000 00.0000 000.000

10.0000 20.0000 36.0000 60.0000 100.000


Table 7-5: Voltage programming range and communication response format

NOTE: Thepower supply canaccept values higher by5%than the tablevalues, however it is not recommended to program the power supply over the rated values.


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