SUPHERB | Product Guide

Blue – Green Algae With Chlorella & Spirulina

Spirulina Algae A new SupHerb product providing a uniquely high dose of 600 mg spirulina algae in a single capsule. Spirulina algae has diverse physiological effects and is highly important nutritionally since it contains a high concentration of nutrients essential for the proper function of the body and is also therapeutic in treating and alleviating various diseases. Spirulina is a microscopic alga, which thrives in hot climates and fresh water. It supports a wide variety of diseases and deficient conditions in the body such as malnutrition, immune weakness, digestive problems, the profusion of toxins in the liver, allergies, various infections, and more. Since spirulina algae is a rich source of high quality protein, it is also used in cases of malnutrition and as a support for proper growth and development and gaining body mass and weight.

A complex of sweet-water lake algae that constitutes a whole, natural and pure nutritional source. The algae contain many nutrients that are essential for maintaining health. The algae are rich in high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they contain a high amount of chlorophyll that improves the process of detoxification and is recommended in anemic conditions. The three algae in the complex are blue-green alga from Klamath Lake with anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and anti-carcinogenic functions; Spirulina alga, which is excellent for strengthening of the immune system; and Chlorella alga which is rich in Chlorophyll and good for creating red blood cells in anemic conditions (the composition of Chlorophyll is similar to human Hemoglobin). The Chlorella is also effective for detoxification of the body, purification of the digestive system, prevention of constipation and encouraging growth and therapeutic processes.

Contents: Each Spirulina Algae capsule contains: Arthrospira Plantensis Directions: 1–2 capsules daily, with meals.

Main Uses • Nutritional supplemen tation of nutrients, especially protein • Reinforces the immune system • Maintains the digestive system’s health • Cleanses the body and liver • Reduces blood fat and sugar values Therapeutic Advantages • A uniquely high dose in a single capsule • Considered superfood since it contains a high amount of nutrients • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans suffering from protein deficiency

Contents: Each Blue-Green Alga capsule contains: Blue-Green Alga 350 mg Chlorella Alga 140 mg Spirulina Alga 140 mg

Main Uses • Improves digestive processes and treats constipation • Reinforces the immune system • Improves vitality and wakefulness • Improves thinking, concentration and memory processes • Encourages growth and development • Delays aging processes • Accelerates the healing processes of ulcers and wounds Therapeutic Advantages • Super-food Complex • A high dosage of Phycocyanin • Lake algae contain a negligible amount of iodine, therefore suitable for people consuming Eltroxin

600 mg

Directions: 1-3 capsules daily, with meals.

Herbs 34

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