SUPHERB | Product Guide


Coldy Kid For strengthening the immune system during the winter In the winter we are exposed more to diseases, mainly respiratory diseases and throat infections. We at Supherb launched the winning combination of black elder berry, astragalus, zinc, licorice, Vitamin C and Vitamin D to support the immune system during the winter. The dosages in product suit children. Coldy Kid is intended for pro phylactic use as well as for use in case of common cold symptoms appearance. Coldy Kid Tab in Gum - to get through the winter safely.

Contents: Each Coldy Kid Tab in Gum contains: Elderberry Ext

50 mg 50 mg 50 mg

Astragalus Ext

Vitamin C

Licorice Ext.

5 mg 4 mg


Vitamin D.

400 IU

Directions: 1 Tab in Gum daily, Chew at least 120 seconds.


Tab in Gum

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