The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set

Hilchos Melachim | Ch 10

mikln zekld


and then mature and protest her conversion , and then it will be found that she is consuming money illegitimately in her gentile status, when she has no legal right to them except according to the laws of Israel. A descendant of Noach who blessed i.e., cursed the Name of Hashem , or who served idols, or who cohabited with his fellow’s wife, or mur dered his fellow, and subsequently converted, is exempt from punishment . If he killed a Jew, or cohabited with the wife of a Jewish man and subsequently converted, he is liable. He is decap itated on account of murdering a Jewish man, and is strangled on account of the wife of a Jewish man whom he cohabited with, unlike the normal blanket penalty for a descendant of Noach , for his law has changed. We have already explained above 9:14 that all death penalties of the descendants of Noach are by sword, except if he cohabited with the wife of a Jewish man who is a na’arah me’urasah [a betrothed maiden of age twelve] , he should be stoned to death , and if he cohabited with her after her entry to the wedding canopy, before she has cohabited with her husband , he should be strangled to death . By oral tradition we know that the descendants of Noach are prohibited from mating animals or grafting trees of different species alone , but not concerning wearing garments made from different species . However, they are not executed for these. Similarly, if a gentile strikes a Jew, even if he wounds him, he is not executed, though he is liable to the death penalty. The commandment of circumcision applies to Avraham himself and his descendants alone, as it states: “You and your seed after you, for their

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