The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set
Rabbi Yehudah Leib Shapiro Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim - Lubavitch of Miami Chozer and Maniach of the Rebbe’s Sichos
Moreh Shiur for daily study
The Rebbe’s Torah, as is well-known, is endless. The Rebbe’s approach to Nigleh is revolutionary, unlike anything that has been written before. Until today, locating a Sicha on Rambam entailed a search of over 100 Seforim, but with Pardes Hamelech, every Sicha is organized and available directly alongside its Halachah. I personally own a set of Rambam Pardes Hamelech, and I highly recommend it for others.
A high-quality English translation with outstanding accuracy and superb readability. Relevant concepts and difficult words followed by a brief explanation, indicated by a change in font.
Rabbi Tuvya Blau Senior Chabad Rov In Eretz Yisroel
Whoever has Pardes Hamelech on his shelf hastens Moshiach’s arrival — and in two ways. Firstly, spreading the Rebbe's teachings in such an accessible and user-friendly way is the greatest Hafatzas Hamayanus possible. Secondly, the Rebbe often explained that learning halachos of Moshiach hastens his arrival, and these halachos are found only in the Rambam — so may it indeed be the final step to bringing Moshiach!
Around 3,000 Sichos on Rambam set alongside their relevant Halachos, edited and presented in a
clear, concise, and accurate fashion.
The original source Sicha for further study
Rabbi Berel Lazar Chief Rabbi of Russia
We had the tremendous merit to hear countless Sichos from the Rebbe on Rambam, and now, the Pardes Hamelech compilation has made them accessible to all. All those involved deserve a special Yashar Koach!
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