The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set

Hilchos Melachim | Ch 12

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world] . And they discuss these matters, and the commandments of the Torah. Some say, “These mitzvos were true, but have ceased in our pre sent time, for they were not instituted to be practiced for all generations.” And others say, “there are hidden concepts in the words of the mitzvos, and they are not to be accepted accord ing to their literal interpretation, and ‘Moshiach’ [someone they claimed as such] has already come and revealed their hidden mean ings.” And when the King Moshiach does truly arise, and is successful, exalted, and elevated, immedi ately all those who had believed in the words of the false Moshiachs will retract their approach , and they will know that their ancestors inher ited falsehoods, and their prophets and ances tors led them to err.

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[144] Chapter Twelve [145] Do not think that in the days of Moshiach

Pardes Hamelech

ing; in other words, to ensure that we and our environment are completely aligned with the Torah. 464 In this chapter, therefore, the Rambam intimates that the ultimate form of mitzvah observance — one which elevates the entire world — will come to fruition specifically in the Messianic age. This is why this chapter is so crucial to the belief in Moshiach. This also explains why Moshiach is such a crucial precept of the Torah; 465 it represents the time when the ultimate purpose of Torah will be fully realized. Hadran 5746. Likkutei Sichos vol. 27 pg. 249 145. “Do not think that in the days of Moshiach anything will be changed from the established order of the world” The Rambam states that the world will not change

144. Chapter Twelve The Rambam devotes a full chapter of his work to describing the world of the future, which indicates that these details have practical application and are crucial to our belief in Moshiach. The question is: Why are they indeed so crucial? As explained in earlier segments [See Segment 98, a core component of the Messianic age will be our ability to perform mitzvos in utmost perfection. Conse quently, all the details discussed in our chapter can be understood as a reason ; because the world will be so perfect, we will be free to perform mitzvos perfectly. However, this is an insufficient explanation, for it does not explain why these details are a crucial part of our belief in Moshiach. The explanation is that the purpose of mitzvos is to elevate our physical bodies and our material surround

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