The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set

Hilchos Melachim | Ch 11

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õa÷å ,BîB÷îa Lc÷î äðáe ,åéáéáqL ¨ ¦ § ¤ ¨ ¨ ¨ § ¦ § ¦ ¥ ¦ § .éàcåa çéLî äæ éøä Y ìàøNé éçcð ¥ ¨ § ¦ ¥ § ¦ © © § © ¦ ¨ ¤ ¥£ 'ä úà ãåáòì åìåë íìåòä úà ï÷úéå) íéîò ìà êåôäà æà éë øîàðù ãçéá 'ä íùá íìåë àåø÷ì äøåøá äôù .(ãçà íëù åãáòìå

him, builds the Holy Temple in its place and gathers the dispersed of the Jewish people, then he is definitely the Moshiach. (And he will perfect the entire world to serve G-d together, as it states: “For then I will convert the nations to a pure language that all may call upon the name of G-d and serve Him with one accord.”)

 The Maharsha explains that in the Temple era, the Sanhedrin issued forth halachic direction from within the Beis Hamikdash; therefore, Hashem primarily vested His presence there. Similarly, following its de struction, the Shechinah principally rests “in the loca tion where instruction is relayed to the public.” 448 Thus, the Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel, a place from which Torah instruction is disseminated to the entire Jewish people, is a primary place for the resting of the Shechinah in exile. We can suggest that the ascendancy of the Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel will remain in the time of the Geulah too: The Midrash relates that in the times of Moshiach, all the minor temples, synagogues and study halls built during exile will be attached to the Beis Hamikdash itself. 449 We can suggest that the arrangement of how they are to be connected to the Beis Hamikdash will correspond to their status in the time of exile. The Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel, due to its unique nature, will be attached to the actual structure of the Beis Hamikdash, and the others will be connected to the Beis Hamikdash through it. 450 Furthermore, the Talmud relates that Hashem’s presence amongst the Jews will endure even during the redemption process, 451 meaning that the Shechinah will return from exile together with the Jewish people. Now, since the Shechinah primarily manifests in the Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel, we can suggest that its redemption from exile, i.e., Hashem’s revealing His presence within the world, will begin within the Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel itself. Similarly, the third Beis Hamikdash will manifest .453 áúåë ÷øôä úìçúäáù ¯ ïîåéñì ÷øôä úìçúä ïéá éåðéùä ÷úîåé æ"ôòå øàáîù ,åîåéñá ë"àùî ,(åèåùôë) "ùã÷îä äðåá ..çéùîä êìîäù" äëìää çéùî ãòå ,"çéùî ú÷æçá ,çéùîä êìîä àåä éî íéòáå÷ íãé ìòù íéðîéñä ïîæá åéúåìåòô ïéáù ,"åîå÷îá ùã÷î äðáå çéìöäå äùò íà, áúåë ,ééàãåá úìçúäå äðëä øåúá ,úåìâá éø÷éòä èòî ùã÷î ïéðá íâ ììëð úåìâä .íéðôáë ,ãéúòä ùã÷îã úåìâúää .454 .à"òñ ,àî äëåñ 'ñåúå é"ùø .à ,çë à"çå ,éãå÷ô ô"ñ àîåçðú .455 .à"òñ ,ç"ö ïéøãäðñ

Pardes Hamelech

first within the place where the Shechinah dwelled primarily in the last phase of exile, the Beis Rabbeinu Sheb’Bavel, and after that be transported to Yerushalayim. 452 The Rambam alludes to this with the words, “builds the Temple in its place.” Seemingly, he should have explicitly written Yerushalayim. In fact, it seems unnec essary to include details regarding the location of the Beis Hamikdash altogether. Based on the above, we can suggest that “its place” refers to the location of Moshiach — his place. As he waits to redeem the Jewish people, Moshiach will build a beis Hamikdash as a preparation for the redemption, and from there, the Shechinah and the Third Beis Hamikdash will be revealed. 453 Sefer Hasichos 5752 vol. 2 pg. 468 143. “If he . . . builds the Holy Temple in its place…” The Rambam seems to rule that Moshiach will the one to build the Beis Hamikdash, for the simple reason that building the Beis Hamikdash is a mitzvah, and a mitzvah must be done by a human being. On the other hand, there are many sources, including the Zohar, which explain that it will descend, fully built, from heaven. 454 How can we resolve these two approaches? One possible explanation, based on the Talmud, is that it depends on whether the Jewish people are meritorious or not. This rationale is used to resolve several other instances of differing descriptions about Moshiach’s arrival, 455 and perhaps this contrast can be applied here as well — if the Jewish people are .448 .íù úåëøáì â"àãç .449 .íù â"àãç .450 ¯ ÷"îäéááù (ïéøãäðñä ìù íáùåî íå÷î) úéæâä úëùì úîâåãáå ã"ò .(å"ä á"ô úåëî éîìùåøé) "çáæîä ìöà, ïéøãäðñ íéùúù .451 .íù äìéâî .452 ¯ ùã÷îáù úéæâä úëùìá íîå÷îù ïéøãäðñì òâåðá åðéöîù ã"òå øåæçì ïéãéúò (úåìâä ïîæá ïéøãäðñä äúéä åáù ïåøçàä íå÷îä) àéøáèáù .(ã"éôñ ïéøãäðñ 'ìä í"áîø) "ùã÷îì ïé÷úòð íùîå äìéçú

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