הפדרציה העולמית של יהדות מרוקו, 2022
THE WORLD FEDERATION: PROMOTERS AND BRANCHES Our Federation was created in 2001 by public per sonalities, intellectuals, researchers, writers, and lawyers. This Federation incorporates dozens of movements, associations and community councils around the World. It is represented by 102 agencies in Israel and abroad, like in Western Europa, United-States, Ca nada, Morocco and South America. "Scholarship Fund for low-income students from all communities Perpetuation of the Moroccan Jewry heritage as a part of the Jewish culture Affirmation of the part played by the Moroccan Jewry in the creation and the development of the State of Israel Promotion of unity within the people of Israel Aid to new immigrants by sharing with them our rich experience Each year and its slogan The goals of the World Federation At the beginning of each year, the World Federa tion decides about an ethic slogan as headline of all its activities and events in the current year: 2001 "Values and heritage" 2002 "Jubilee of north-African Jewry immigration" 2003 "To the life of this people!" 2004 "You shall not look away from your brother" 2005 "800 years after Maimonides's death" 2006 "Each human being is a whole world" 2007 "The modest persons will acquire the land" 2008 "I'll sing to you, my land!" 2009 "...and you shall choose life..." 2010 "Decade of the World Federation of Moroccan Jewry" 2011 "...and you shall love the stranger…" 2012 "…you will eat the fruit of your labor…" 2013 The World Federations’ Bar Mitzwa 2014 " …and you shall honor the face of the old man " 2015 " Justice, justice shall pursue... " 2016 " For Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent " 2017 " From lying words keep your distance " 2018 "He who finds a wife finds what is good" 2019 "Great is labor for it honors the workman" 2020 60 Year Jubilee of the Massive Moroccan Aliya 20 Year Anniversary of The World Federation 2021 "May be blessed who promises and accomplishes" 2022 “And I will grant peace in the land” (Leviticus 26,6)
HISTORICAL EVENTS AND ENTERPRISES "Scholarships Fund for low-income students" To students fromall origins in Israel
"The Golden Book of Moroccan Jewry" Inscription or perpetuation of friends, donators and late familymembers. "Medal of the Transit Camps" Inhomage of the 200.000 personswhohave suffered in the transit camps when they immigrate to Israel Annual award of "Friend of the Moroccan Jewry" In 2002, we awarded the former Prime minister Ariel Sharon, in 2003, Chief Rabbi of Israel, Israel Meir Lau, in 2004, Mr. Shimon Peres, current President of State of Israel, in 2005, Mrs. Limor Livnat, former Ministry of Education, in 2006, the ExecutiveBoardof 'BankHapoalim', in2008,Jean Pierre Bansard, chairman of the French Jewish Consistory, in 2009, Mr. Nochi Dankner, chairman of "IDB" group, in 2010, the Nakash brothers, and in 2011, Leon & Moshe Edery (Cinema). In 2013 Rabbi Moshe Nissim Dadon (London). In 2014 Rabbi Abraham Amar (New York), In 2016 : Minister Miri Reguev and Mr. Anan Shamshoum, In 2017 : Dr. Andrzej Gasiorowski, In 2018 : Mrs. Myriam Peretz, In 2019 : Mrs. Yardena Ovadia, In 2020 : Mr. Yussef Nasr a-Din. "Central and local celebrations of the Mimunah" The Festival of "OpenDoors" with thousands of immigrant families invited in the homes of native Moroccan Jews "National Remembrance day of the 44 marooned of the "Egoz" ship" The celebration take place inMount Herzl and in several local places included schools Annual day of "Moroccan Jewry" To underline the cultural and spiritual richness of Moroccan Jewry, in different fields "Symposiums and debates" Debateswith intellectuals about important issues "Consolidate the ties with Moroccan Kingdom" In encouragingmutual visits, and symposiumswith Israeli andMoroccan personalities "Ties with the Diaspora Jews" Through ourmany branches in placeswhere live a concentration of nativeMoroccan Jews. "Festival of Moroccan Jewry Heritage" Encouraging cultural events and expositionsIn encouragingmutual visits, and symposiumswith Israeli andMoroccan personalities "Ties with the Diaspora Jews" Through ourmany branches in placeswhere live a concentration of nativeMoroccan Jews. "Festival of Moroccan Jewry Heritage" Encouraging cultural events and expositions
The Medal of the Transit camps
2022 דבר הפדרציה העולמית
La Voix de la Fédération Mondiale 2022
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