בית הספר היסודי הממלכתי מעיין, יבנה

English is YUMMY… אנגלית

First Prize on My Story Speech

People might think that giving a speech is easy, but they don’t know that it requires perseverance, practice, improvement and

precision. I feel lucky that I went through this process. When I heard about the speech competition among pupils from schools in Yavne, I decided to do my best and represent my school, then the real process began. I met Lilach, my English teacher, every

week for working on my speech. We add details, made changes and kept improving it. There were also zoom meetings and rehearsals with all the other contestants. I had to practice a lot at home because learning a speech by heart is not easy but I managed to do it. On the day of the competition I was very excited. My family, Kfir my best friend, Lilach my teacher and Renana the school principal came to watch and cheer me. The moment I went on stage I kept saying: "Believe in yourself and do your best". Hearing my name as the winner was meaningful for me; I was proud and excited and felt that all the effort and hard work were not in vain. I want to thank Lilach for believing in me, supporting me and guiding me along the way to the victory. Glossary speech – נאום perseverance – התמדה precision – דיוק represent – לייצג rehearsals – חזרות victory - ניצחון

This year we took part in the English course- "ENGLISH WITH FLAVORS" During the course we read recipes and learned how to write them in English. when we wrote the recipes, we spoke only in English. We made an organized folder of all the recipes we wrote so that in the end of the course we'll have a collection of great recipes that we can use later on. While we were cooking, we were listening to English songs and it taught us a lot of new words, but mostly, it was fun. At the end of the course we gained a rich vocabulary and a lot of cooking knowledge. At the community evening, an open day, and in parents' day we explained what we do in the course and hand out fruit smoothies which we made.

Yagel Keren Elbaz Itzhak, Grade 5

Hadaya Asraf and Emma Kazbini , 6th Grade

בית הספר הממלכתי-קהילתי, יבנה | מעיין


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