PREMIER LINE A perfect blend of strength and functionality

The Premier outdoor shed is a great choice for your outdoor storage needs. The ultra-rugged double walls provide durability and stability even in extreme weather conditions, while the weather-resistant resin makes the shed maintenance free.

Double wall panels For greater strength and rigidity

Easy Assembly- Tongue & Groove connections

Full length skylight and window for natural light

Heavy duty floor protects against mud and rainwater

Built- in Ventilation for ample airflow

Integral door latch and dual door bolts for added security.

Wide range of sizes

Premier 7.5x11 228Wx350Dx252H cm

Premier 7.5x7 228Wx223.5Dx252H cm

Premier 7.5x9 228Wx287Dx252H cm

98 Outdoor Storage 2024 Walk-in Sheds

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