High-Q | חטיף 4

חטיף מס '4


14. According to the passage, the ants tend to invade human shelters -

(1) whenever they find new colonies (2) when new queens begin to lay eggs (3) when they find the weather unsuitable (4) which are close to farms or gardens

15. The main purpose of the second paragraph is to -

(1) explain the origin of the Argentine ants (2) describe the agricultural damage caused by the Argentine ants

(3) state the dangers posed by aphids to farmers (4) describe the reproduction of colonies of ants

16. The term "those battles" in line 21 refers to battles between -

(1) aphids and Argentine ants (2) lizards and Harvester ants (3) Argentine ants and Harvester ants (4) plant seeds and Harvester ants

17. Linepithema interfere with lizard species of southern California by -

(1) destroying their normal source of food (2) mobbing and dismembering them

(3) driving away the beetles upon which the lizards feed (4) attacking birds and snakes, the lizards' natural predators

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