High-Q | חטיף 2


חטיף מס '2


7. The extraordinary sensitivity of these instruments makes it possible to take measurements with great ____

(1) reluctance (2) power

(3) precision (4) enthusiasm

8. The length of the circumference of any polygon is equal to the ____ of the individual lengths of all of its sides.

(1) sum

(2) relevance (3) angle

(4) odyssey

Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.

9. The people of New York City, unlike the residents of Paris and Tokyo, still do not have a clean, efficient subway.

(1) A truly clean and efficient subway does not exist anywhere, not in New York City, nor in Paris or Tokyo. (2) People from Paris or Tokyo, which both have clean efficient subways, do not like New York City, which does not. (3) Most people consider the subways of Paris and Tokyo to be both cleaner and more efficient than the subway of New York City. (4) Clean, efficient subways are available to the populations of Paris, Tokyo, but not to that of New York City.

10. These tax cuts will greatly aid the rich, whereas the poor and middle classes will receive virtually no benefit at all.

(1) Reductions in taxes are good for those who are rich, but the poor and middle classes should also be granted some benefits. (2) Tax cuts always favor the rich, while the poor and middle classes are never helped at all. (3) The greater the tax cut is, the more likely it is that the wealthy will benefit, at the expense of the poor and middle classes. (4) Those who are not rich won’t be helped by these tax cuts, but those who are wealthy will receive considerable benefit.

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