High-Q | English פסיכומטרי
Unit 8
10. Flat computer display screens may soon be a viable alternative to the bulky cathode ray tube displays (CRT's) now standard on desktop computers.
(1) While desktop computers presently use bulky CRT's, computer owners may soon be able to choose to use flat display screens. (2) Although bulky CRT's are presently standard on desktop computers, they will soon be replaced by flat display screens. (3) Flat computer screens may soon add value to desktop computers which presently use bulky CRT's. (4) Smaller computers which use flat display screens may soon replace the bulky desktop computers which use CRT's.
בקרוב להוות חלופה אפשרית למסכי שפופרות קר ן
מסכי תצוגה שטוחים למחשבים
תי קתוד
המגושמים ( CRT ) אשר מותקנים כיום במחשבים.
11. A large portion of Africa’s population is doomed to starvation, despite international aid.
(1) International assistance will not prevent the suffering of many Africans from hunger. (2) International aid to Africa is useless, since most Africans will die of hunger. (3) Following the famine in Africa, international aid arrived at Africa, but still many Africans died from starvation. (4) Most Africans do not have enough food to eat, but the international aid might improve the situation.
חלק ניכר מאוכלוסיית אפריקה נידון לרעב למרות עזרה בינלאומית.
12. Politicians are usually very good at evading the issue whenever they are asked a sensitive question.
(1) Politicians evaluate issues very well, especially sensitive ones. (2) Sensitive questions are addressed by politicians very often. (3) Politicians manage to avoid giving clear answers to sensitive questions. (4) Very good politicians are sensitive to evasions of questions.
פוליטיקאים הם בדרך כלל טובים מאד בהתחמקות מנושא כאשר הם נשאלי ם שאלה רגישה.
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