High-Q | English פסיכומטרי
Unit 7
16. The author uses the phrase “a curious phenomenon” (line 18) in order to stress -
(1) the absence of a reasonable income system for retirement (2) the contrast he sees in the present situation (3) the flexibility of retirement (4) unattractive aspects of retirement
התופעה מוזרה שכן אין שיטת הכנסה הגיונית ( reasonable ) לפרישה .
17. One of the possible reasons for the low incomes of retired people is -
(1) (2)
the derogatory aspect of retirement
the great loss people tend to feel when they retire
(3) the fact they were not prepared to cope with retirement (4) the need to reserve a pool of potential workers
שורות 09-00 : "יש הטוענים כי... הפרישה עצמה מושארת לא מושכת מבחינה כלכלית כדי לשמור על מאגר של רזרבת עבודה..."
Text II
Common sense dictates that if you want to flush out indoor air pollutants - from cigarette smoke and spores to gases from cleaning products - you should step up a room's ventilation. But that's not necessarily so, says a new study. Mechanical-engineering experts found that air entering a room through a typical vent flows in turbulently and unevenly. Some of the fresh air rushes through, while some 5 of the stale air already in the room forms stagnant pockets in which pollutants become trapped. Adrian Bejan of Duke University and Jose Lage of Southern Methodist University used a supercomputer at Cornell's Theory Center to model the movement of pollutants in a room under varying conditions. The two-dimensional simulation predicted how 10 pollutants from a single source, such as a burning cigarette, spread within a room in which air moved from a vent on one wall to another vent on the opposite wall. The scientists also simulated a room in which a contaminant was evenly dispersed. “Our question was so basic that we thought if contaminant entrapment is a real phenomenon, then we should see it, especially in two-dimensional air-flow,” Bejan 15 explains. In both situations, says Bejan, some of the contaminant remained in stagnant air cells, while new, fresh air flowed around it. These cells, he explains, “are just like the eye of a hurricane. Air in the middle of them just rolls around, and only very slowly diffuses into the faster-moving air stream”.
By repositioning the simulated vents, Bejan and Lage found that the airflow was 20 most effective at removing pollutants when it was directed diagonally at the center of the
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