High-Q | English פסיכומטרי

Unit 3

19. Huntington's chorea is -

(1) a similar disorder to schizophrenia (2) an inherited disorder (3) a non-hereditary disorder (4) a type of schizophrenia

שורה 1 : "אך אולי זו הפרעה מורשת, בדומה ל - Huntington's chorea ."

20. Kety's research took place in Denmark because -

(1) it is known to have high incidence of schizophrenia (2) families adopting sick children are especially well documented (3) records are kept of each citizen’s family history (4) adoptive families are not different from biological ones

ה שור 7 : "בדנמרק, נשמר רישום של כל התושבים..."

21. It can be inferred from the text that -

(1) Schizophrenia is unusually widespread in Denmark (2) Kety was trying to rule out environmental impact as a major cause for schizophrenia (3) the symptoms of schizophrenia and Huntington's chorea are very much alike (4) children adopted by schizophrenic parents rarely become schizophrenic

שורות 11-11 : "לכן, לא נראה כי פציינטים נהיו סכיזופרנים בגלל שגדלו במשפחה של סכיזופרנים".

22. The sentence beginning with “However...” (lines 14-15) -

(1) lessens the impact of Kety's findings (2) presents an additional research pathway (3) reinforces the assumption that schizophrenia is an inherited disorder (4) implies that the research results were inconclusive

המשפט ט וען כי החוקרים כן מצאו שיעור גבוה של המחלה בקרב הקרובים הביולוגיים של החולים, גם אם לא היה עימם קשר סביבתי, ולכן הגורם התורשתי נראה שוב כהסבר סביר יותר.


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