High-Q | English פסיכומטרי

Unit 3

padded in front and behind and wore grotesque masks and stuffed phalluses. With the arrival of New Comedy toward the end of the 4th century BC these obscene features were discarded and comic characters became more respectably dressed.

13. The first actor was -

(1) Thespis of Icaria (2) Dionysus (3) a choral singer (4) a Roman playwright

ות שור 5-7 : "...ת'ספיס מאיקריה... נהפך על ידי כך למחזאי הראשון ולשחקן הראשון".

14. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that -

(1) before the 5th century BC there were no comic plays performed in festivals (2) Aeschylus and Sophocles contributed the most to the form of tragedy (3) single-actor plays were the most common in Greek festivals (4) all the characters in Greek plays were male

11-11 : "בערך בתחילת המאה ה -5 לפנה"ס... קומדיות הוכנסו לפסטיבלים".


15. Aeschylus and Sophocles are mentioned in the third paragraph as -

(1) a demonstration of their extreme importance in Greek drama (2) examples of the variety of different tasks carried out by playwrights (3) proofs of the claim that playwrights used to write the music for their plays (4) an introduction to the issue of players’ costumes

שורות 18-11 : "המחזאים היוונים המוקדמים... שימשו גם כבמאים וכוריאוגרפים; חלקם אף כנראה חיברו מוזיקה... סופוקלס... מעצב ואייסכילוס המציא את התלבושת הדרמטית".

16. “These” in line 28 refers to -

(1) Old Comedy and New Comedy (2) a variety of cloaks over the chiton (3) grotesque masks and stuffed phalluses (4) the respectable dress of comic actors

בשורה נאמר כי עם בוא הקומדיה החדשה, אלה (המסיכות ואיברי המין הממולאים) נזנחו.


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