High-Q | סימולציה 12


סימולציה מס' 12

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית

7. The audience responded with ____, giving the orchestra three standing ovations.

(1) apathy

(2) enthusiasm (3) reluctance (4) dissatisfaction

8. It takes a particularly strong-minded politician to even occasionally ____ public opinion.

(1) accept

(2) defy

(3) advocate (4) consider

Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.

9. Auto manufacturers saw especially strong sales last month, leading to concern in some quarters that consumer debt may be growing too fast.

(1) Some auto manufacturers feel that the unusually high number of automobiles sold last month may have resulted in consumer debt growing too quickly. (2) One-fourth of those asked think that the strong sales of automobiles last month have caused consumer debt to grow too fast. (3) Some people believe consumer debt is increasing too swiftly, an opinion which stems from the fact that a large number of automobiles was purchased last month. (4) Some people believe that due to the quick growth in consumer debt many have decided to purchase automobiles.

10. Voters arrived at the polls in greater numbers than they had in twenty years.

(1) It had been twenty years since some of the voters had been to the polls. (2) More voters came to the polls this year than did twenty years ago. (3) It had been twenty years since so many voters had come to the polls. (4) There were more places to vote this year than there were twenty years ago.

11. Rich though they were, they wouldn't pamper their children.

(1) Because they were rich, they didn't pamper their children. (2) Although they were rich, they encouraged their children to work hard. (3) They didn't spoil their children, despite being wealthy. (4) Had they been rich, they would have pampered their children.

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