High-Q | סימולציה 12


סימולציה מס' 12

אנגלית – פרק שני

8. In today’s competitive world, an amateur sportsman, whose resources of time and money are ____, has little chance in the race for world fame.

(1) abundant (2) superficial

(3) limited

(4) magnificent

Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.

9. The flexibility of the human language is apparent in the way it adapts to new technologies by introducing new words or giving new meanings to existing ones.

(1) Adding new meanings to existing words or introducing new ones as a way of adapting to new technologies is a good example of the flexibility of the human language (2) The flexibility of the human language is apparently the result of new technologies that require introducing new words or changing the meanings of existing ones (3) That new words have to be introduced or new meanings added to existing ones, shows how the human language fails to be flexible in adapting to new technologies (4) If the human language would not have been flexible enough to adapt to new technologies, new words would have to be introduced or new meanings given to existing ones

10. It was rock-n-roll music that contributed the most to the popularity of the electric guitar.

(1) Rock-n-roll helped develop the electric guitar more than any other thing (2) Rock-n-roll music is popular mainly because of the electric guitar (3) The main reason the electric guitar gained popularity is rock-n-roll music (4) The electric guitar was invented in order to be used in rock-n-roll music

11. When railroads appeared in the early 19 th century, they played a major role in the industrial revolution.

(1) Railroads, first introduced in the beginning of the 19 th century, had an important part in the industrial revolution (2) The appearance of railroads in the 19 th century marked the beginning of the industrial revolution (3) Railroads had some impact on the industrial revolution in the early 19 th century (4) The appearance of railroads during the 19 th century is one of the most important outcomes of the industrial revolution

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