High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק שלישי
10. Sales in the previous quarter were better than expected, but not good enough for the company to actually turn a profit. (1) Although the company has yet to turn a profit, expectations for increased sales are rising. (2) Sales were good in the previous quarter, but the profit figures failed to meet expectations. (3) The expectation last quarter was that both sales figures and profits would rise, but neither of these actually happened. (4) The company still lost money last quarter, even though the sales numbers beat expectations. 11. John and Ellen had been acquaintances for decades and only recently had become as thick as thieves. (1) John and Ellen had known each other for a long time before they became thieves. (2) John and Ellen became very good friends after knowing each other for years. (3) After an acquaintance of decades John and Ellen are now the only friends of each other. (4 ) John and Ellen were as thick as thieves and then became friends for decades. 12. The idea of continuous economic growth is incompatible with the notion of sustainable environmental policy. (1) The view that an environmental policy can be sustainable does not necessarily entail that economic growth can continue uninterrupted. (2) The concept of economic growth is continuously chllenged by the attempts to sustain an environmental policy. (3) A sustainable environmental policy may or may not lead to the possibility of continuous economic growth. (4) One cannot claim that both continuous economic growth and sustainable environmental policy are simultaneously possible.
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