High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק שני
18 . It can be inferred from the first paragraph that Degas - (1) was an impressionist painter, and possessed most of the impressionist characteristics (2) was an impressionist painter, but deviated from the common impressionist style (3) was not an impressionist painter, but his works resembled impressionist paintings (4) was not an impressionist painter, and did not engage in any impressionist-related activity 19. According to the second paragraph - (1) Degas did not finish his studies at Ecole des Beaux Arts. (2) Degas’ aristocratic background is not expressed in his work. (3) Degas was a student of the painter Jean Auguste Ingres. (4) Degas learned from Louis Lamothes the direction of a classical draftsmanship
20. According to the third paragraph, approximately ten years After Degas returned to Paris - (1) he changed the subjects of his paintings. (2) he began combining Classical and Romantic elements in his works.
(3) he painted mostly historical subjects. (4) he began working with ֹEdourd Manet.
21. Degas’ paintings of female dancers -
(1) were made during live performances on stage. (2) did not show one specific rehearsal or performance.
(3) were his favorites among all paintings. (4) were only mere sketches of dancers
22. The main purpose of the passage is to - (1) describe the development of Degas’ artistic career (2) compare Degas’ early artistic style with his late one (3) discuss the reasons for Degas’ choice of materials (4) present a general view of impressionist painters
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