High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק שני
5. This amusement park has a main ____; Everything here looks related to the ocean. (1) plough (2) tone
(3) theme (4) uproar
6. Both candidates have begun to make ____ statements about each other in the press; the election campaign has taken on any ugly tone. (1) robust (2) inspiring
(3) constricted (4) derogatory
7. During the first lesson of the course, the teacher went over the ____, laying out the plan for the coming semester.
(1) observatory (2) resemblance (3) prudence (4) curriculum
8. The lower-level managers have very little ____ in exercising their own judgment; all policies are tightly specified by the owner.
(1) retention (2) hypocrisy (3) trouble (4) latitude
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