High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק ראשון
18. The second paragraph mentions “another impressive example” (line 5) of - (1) a royal route (2) a road built in ancient civilization (3) a track paved for moving massive blocks (4) an old European road system
19. The Romans built roads in Britain to connect - (1) military stations (2) to other Roman main roads (3) the north and the south (4) straight sections
20. The term “highway” was given to the Roman roads because - (1) of their directness (2) they were very large (3) they were constructed on elevated tracks (4) they connected military stations
21. Road engineering today -
(1) faces a limited number of challenges (2) is relatively primitive (3) treats roads as long lifetime products (4) makes use of miniature and highly potent computers
22. A good title for the passage above is - (1) Road engineering over the years (2) Highway engineering in the military aspect (3) Road building throughout the world (4) Problems you have to deal with in Road engineering
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