High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק ראשון
14. The term “those” in line 2 refers to - (1) adults (2) restraints
(3) laws (4) lives
15. The earliest child restraint mentioned in the passage appeared in - (1) 1920 (2) 1921 (3) 1978 (4) 1984
16. In the third paragraph of the passage the “Baby Bag” device is criticized because - (1) it was not tight enough (2) it allowed the child to stand up (3) it was only suitable for very small children (4) it did not meet the legal requirements of the time 17. According to the passage, what is the greatest peril in a car accident? (1) internal injuries caused by seat belt (2) hitting the dash board (3) climbing out of the vehicle (4) falling out of the car
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