High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
19. The term "it" in line 4 refers to - (1) tax (2) a government bond (3) the federal government (4) extra money
20. According to the second paragraph, the most recent increases in the national debt of the U.S. were caused by - (1) higher military expenditures and lower taxes (2) the Vietnam War (3) construction of public highways and dams (4) the debts of individual U.S. states 21. It can be understood from the last paragraph that sometimes in order to finance public projects - (1) the government must pay the interest on the bonds it has issued (2) people are charged only for using new roads (3) the national debt is increased (4) expenditure on security is decreased
22. A good title for this passage would be - (1) The Effect of Wars on National Debts (2) Sources of Canada's National Debt (3) Understanding the National Debt (4) Financing Public Projects
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