High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
7. As late as World War I, armies used carrier pigeons and trained dogs to carry ____ from one unit to another. (1) morale (2) intentions (3) passages (4) messages
8. A hurricane derives its ____ from the warmth of the ocean waters over which it forms. (1) action (2) loyalty (3) connection (4) energy
Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence. 9. One of the major tasks in researching a market is to estimate its current and future size. (1) When researching a market, it is important to know how much electricity it uses. (2) Estimating the current and future size of a market is a task for major researchers. (3) When studying a market, evaluating its size in the present and in the future is one of the most important missions. (4) The current and future task of researchers is to estimate the size of the market. 10. Growing in population even faster than Los Angeles, San Diego is likely to add more workers than jobs in the next five years. (1) It is expected that within five years San Diego’s population will exceed that of Los Angeles, and both San Diego’s workforce and job market will grow quickly. (2) In the next five years, there will probably be a larger increase in the number of workers than in the number of jobs in San Diego, whose population growth rate is higher than Los Angeles’. (3) San Diego, like Los Angeles, will probably suffer from unemployment due to its fast growing population, and slow increase in the number of jobs. (4) It seems inevitable that the number of jobs in San Diego will increase, due to the high population growth rate in it, which is even higher than that of Los Angeles.
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