High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
– אנגלית פרק שני
19. Reporter Ted Smith believes that - (1) the use of devices such as cameras and tape recorders can help prevent errors of fact in reporting (2) it is practically impossible for journalists to be objective (3) current guidelines for guarding against objective reporting are inadequate (4) commentators are more objective than journalists 20. Which of the following statements, arguing that journalism is not objective, is not mentioned explicitly in the passage? (1) Facts that are not consistent with the ideas of the journalists are not published in their stories. (2) The media are tools that the government uses as a propaganda (3) Journalists attribute opinions that serve their own objectives to other sources, even if the real source of the information are the journalists themselves (4) Even photographs and recordings are not objective, because they are operated by the journalists
21. Writer Jack Nelson believes that the journalistic conventions created to guard against biased reporting - (1) are themselves biased
(2) should be made more strict (3) fail to achieve their goal (4) should be discarded
22. The main purpose of the passage is to discuss - (1) the media as a channel for government propaganda (2) the difference between news reports and editorials (3) the problem of bias in the media (4) the conventions of objective reporting
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