High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
20. According to the text, if a red-neck phalarope dives, it is probably - (1) unable to twirl (2) pursued by a predator (3) abnormal (4) extremely hungry
21. It can be understood from the text that red-necked phalaropes will usually not twirl - (1) unless pursued by predators
(2) unless they are feeding on brine shrimp (3) if there is enough food at the surface (4) if they can reach the food by diving
22. The main purpose of the text is to - (1) explain a behavioral pattern of a marine bird (2) discuss the diet of the red-necked phalarope (3) discuss why some birds dive in water while others do not (4) explain how marine birds move through the water
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