High-Q | 9 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 9
פרק שני
– אנגלית
20. “White noise” (line 17) is the general term referring to -
(1) the area of sound at around 4,000 hertz (2) the entire spectrum of sounds (3) the sounds made by explosion (4) the volume of sound at which one begins to lose his hearing
21. Which of the following is a true statement about the range of human hearing, according to the passage?
(1) It declines with age (2) It is limited to the range of exactly 20 – 20,000 hertz (3) All children can hear sounds up to 40,000 hertz (4) White noise reduces the range that can be heard by causing damage to the ears
22. The main topic of the passage above is -
(1) the frequency of sound (2) the hearing range of the human ear (3) white noise (4) hertz
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