High-Q | 9 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 9
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
13. Helping the U.S. economy to recover from the problems caused by the Great Depression -
(1) was not the original purpose of the New Deal (2) was not the only goal of the New Deal (3) was never an aim of the New Deal (4) was a goal of programs other than the New Deal
14. According to the second paragraphs, the New Deal laws were unique in that they -
(1) provided new employment (2) required the use of public funds (3) were concerned with the private sector of the economy (4) encompassed areas in which the government was never involved
15. The term “They” in line 15 refers to -
(1) welfare needs (2) businessmen (3) the people (4) social and welfare needs
16. The purpose of the third paragraph is to -
(1) list some objections to the New Deal, and the responses to them (2) describe the effects which the New Deal had on the U.S. (3) explain the difference between the public and private sector efforts to recover from the Great Depression (4) explain Roosevelt’s concept of what the New Deal meant
17. The main topic of the passage above is
(1) the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt (2) the Great Depression (3) the New Deal (4) objections to the New Deal
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