High-Q | 9 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 9
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
8. Despite many failures over the past several decades, physicists continue to ____ for the Grand Unified Theory of physics.
(1) search
(2) journey
(3) gamble
(4) withstand
Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
9. The actual performance of the new engine did not meet our expectations.
(1) The new motor actually performed better than we expected it would. (2) We did not know how well the engine would perform, but we hoped for good results. (3) The new motor did not perform as well as anticipated. (4) We expected that when it was actually tested, the engine would perform well.
10. The company has finished developing a new policy on computer security, but putting it into effect will be difficult.
(1) Although the company’s new policy on computer security is complete, it will not be easy to actually apply it. (2) The easy part was developing a new policy on computer security; the hard part will be getting employees to follow it. (3) While computer security is now the subject of a new policy, it is far from certain whether the new policy will be effective. (4) Until it is actually put into effect, it will be hard to find out just exactly what the company’s new policy on computer security is.
11. While she expects others to maintain absolute secrecy about company salaries, she apparently does not apply the same standard to herself.
(1) She doesn’t want anyone except herself to know anything at all about how much the company pays its employees. (2) She herself does not observe the same total discretion about company pay levels which she demands from everyone else. (3) She expected the company to keep its salaries absolutely secret, but found that this policy was not observed in her own case. (4) The exact amounts that the company pays its employees are known only to her.
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